TVPLab Christmas Party 2020This year has been really weird for lots of reasons. Our lab work ground to a halt during the first lockdown brought on by COVID-19, and...
Saying goodbye to Jing LiAt the end of December 2019, we very sadly had to say goodbye to visiting post-doc Dr. Jing Li as she returned to China to continue her...
IMS Christmas PartyThis year, the TVP lab was in charge of organising the Institute of Metabolic Science departmental Christmas party! On Thursday December...
TVP Lab Christmas PartyOn Wednesday December 11th 2019, all the laboratory members - including researchers and technicians from the IMS, Sanger and the Disease...
When Patrice came to visit!On Saturday October 12th 2019, the TVP lab had a visitor! Patrice is PhD student from Valencia who came to the lab in 2018 to work with...
Vanessa's baby shower!At the end of November 2018, our Research Associate Vanessa began her maternity leave, so we had a baby shower to say goodbye and wish...
Night out at the Cambridge Graduate OrchestraAs part of the Cambridge Science Festival this year, the Cambridge Graduate Orchestra teamed up with Dr. Andrew Murray to put on a...